Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Field experience observations

I am going to say I have really enjoyed sitting and interacting with these teachers and children. Being able to observe and getting the chance to work with these children made me feel like they were dependent on me some times. It let me know that you are not only their teacher you are also a friend and mother figure. The question that kept me puzzled is why some of these teachers have to talk to their students the way that they do. Some teachers, not in the classes I observed, while walking by I could hear unhappy tones addressed toward classes. Seems like when teachers see a visitor is in the building the tone is automatically improved and happy. I would like to know that the children are treated equally and with respect all of the time. When I become a teacher I will make sure that every child is treated the same and treated with respect. I guess what I was doing was seeing how the teachers act out of frustration and I can see why some students go home and tell their parents the teacher was rude to them.
For the most part I was really impressed with the teachers I selected to observe. The efforts that they put forth into their children and their education was impressive. The classrooms were really decorative and reflected some of the things the book mentioned. Like the posters, good grades, and different educational sayings and encouragement. It was neat to be able to see some of the points in the book coming into play. For example: Different learning styles, how the 3rd grade boys were allready developing their little group of guys clique. and the different children that you can look at and just know that they have a ruff time at home. All of these things begin to really stand out from sitting back and watching as well as substituting. Being able to interact with these children make it hard not to get attached to them a want to help them and work with them, and get to know them. I am excited and ready to get my praxis over and begin the remaining course so that I can begin my career as a teacher!!! It has been a great semester!!

Module 12

I have learned some useful and interesting ideas, techniques and experiences for teaching in this subject. I have learned that teachers earn their pay checks and they deserve them! Chapter 12 does have some really scary points that were discussed. But throughout life we all have to overcome obsticales and afterall what job don't have its downfall? Is teaching still something I am interested in? Of course, maybe now even more so than before. Now that I have seen how much the children need positive adults to ensure them their education and now that I have seen just how much they depend on teachers and look up to them I can't wait to start. Indeed, there is alot of stuff and devotion to teaching but I feel I can keep up with the pace I'm managing now and I'm coming in a 1/2 school year in an 8th grade class-Language Arts at that- and I'm helping prepare for EOG's. Great learning experience.
i think the demands for being a teacher are high and they should be. I feel teachers should know their roles and be qualified. Looking through a parents eye I would feel more comfortable that the teacher my child was spending 5 days a week with and a teacher that was responsible for my child's education and behavior was a certified teacher who pass a passion for children and teaching. I would like to be comfortable with my child going to school instead of wondering all day what was goin on in the classroom.
At this point in the course I see the job of a teacher as determination, dedication and responsibility. I see teachers as someone who gives their all to students, to work with them and assit them. Not only providing the students with education but a positve influence as well. Anyone can be a teacher, but to be a good teacher you have got to have the desire of working with young children and you have got to know your students. Being familiar with different leraning styles, diversities and the different teaching techniques and styles is how you become familiar with your students.
This semester I have learned so many things about childre and teachers. I have learned that teaching is more than teaching, teachers are mediators, guidance counselors, mother figures/positve figures, disciplinarians, supervisors and teachers. When I 1st thought about going into teaching all Iknew was I loved working with young children and it couldn't be that hard. Well it is difficult and trying, but it is all worth being able to make a difference in someones lives and futures. In order to be an effective teacher you have got to know your students and you have got to understand that they are all different and you have got to be willing to accept diversities and be able to apply the things you have learned to your classroom.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Most of the video made sense to me. He goes into real depth with some of the things he discussed and it sounded off the wall to me, but he had a way of making it understandable. I agree 100% in the things he was saying. Our young people today are indeed going to and are going through things we could never imagine and we really do need to always have that on the back of our mind when we begin our daily routines of teaching. I have shadowed in classrooms where the teacher treated the children as though they were below them and the students fear this teacher. The biggest thing I agree with (I have felt this way and thought I was thinking incorrectly because of the way I have seen some teachers treat students) was the area he discussed about "how teachers need to make a commitment ot the students even before they enter the classroom; to see everyone who comes into your classroom as a worthy human worthy of your full attention as a person who is active in their own way." Treat the children with respect and care as I would my own children, thats what I keep in my mind. He discussed 3 commitments that teachers needed to make sure we have before we become or see ourselves as teachers. I am only a substitute teacher right now and I have only been doing this for 8 months, I have been able to tell that I can speak to the children on my level without the screaming and slamming things to get their attention. I have noticed huge differences in how they treat me vs. some other teachers. I treat every child that approaches me as I would want them to approach me or as i would want my own children treated. At 1st I started out loud and tough--this is what I saw in the other teachers. I told myself; this is not me, I tried a different approach and there is less tension, more smiles and more accomplishments throughout the day for us. At the end of my class periods if the group did their work and behavied we play a game for the remaining 15 min of the class and they love it. You never now how something as simple as noticeing one of your students in the grocery store and speaking to them on a personal level outside of school will connect to a child.
The 2 inventories did give me a hint on what the future might hold for my career as a teacher. I feel the cirriculum will begin to change a little but I do not feel they will lighten up on the testing, I feel those test will only get worse. For some reason it seems our personell feel the only way we can improve the curriculum or prove that our teachers are doing a good job is to test and I think this really turns the student away from wanting to go to school. The 2 inventories were alike by touching on culture and racial issues. Should it be discussed in school systems? Yes, drugs are, why not add another issue that is growing among our nation?? I feel we should make cultural and racial and diversity part of our curriculum and offer courses to help our children feel comfortable to talk about their issues and questions and come to a mutual understanding while putting the guns and gangs aside.
What type of classroom would I create? I would like the atmosphere of my classroom to be friendly, laid back, up to date, and joyful. I want my children to be comfortable with and around me. I would like to chill out on test, test, test and concentrate on the individuals and what they want out of life before we get the school year started, get to know one another. I would like to create an "eager to learn" environment instead of a "man I'm ready to go home" atmosphere. I would like to be able to connect with my students and us work as a team to all get to know each other together. I want a structured classroom with plenty of diversity, cultural backgrounds and minds, I think I could really have fun with a multicultural classroom. I have all kinds of different assignments, activities, games, etc. in mind that I could use to promote social skills among one another. I would be sure to keep my eyes and ears open at all times for them and my own reasons. Above all I would not put myself on a pedistal, I like to treat all of my students with the same and level as anyone else. Never would I act as though they were beneth me, I would respect them and that is what would gain my respect from them.
How does my vision of a classroom relate to the video? Dr. Ayeers discussess 3 commetments; 1st commetment-of understanding that every person is a complete human being, treat them all with respect, 2nd com-we don't know everything just because we got teaching authority (maybe we could learn something from them if we are willing to just listen and ask them questions), 3rd comm-tell the truth as we see it (Be open to the fact that everything you see is not right, you gotta keep you mind and eyes open) My mother used to always tell us 'things aren't always as they seem, so make sure you investigate!' or the famous 'You can't judge a book by its cover.' What he discussed in the video are all the things I wanted for my classroom before I even watched the video, before we even got this assignment. I can't stand to see someone act down at a child just because they have authority and they can-i don't think teachers should be allowed to do that. All of the things he discussed equal to a successful classroom environment, I feel it begins with the teacher. As far as conflicts or contradictions, I don't see anyh way of not having an actual conflict in any classroom. Churches have conflicts, families have conflicts, we all do thats just part of being a human. Being able to work through them and discuss the conflict is were we are supposed to step in. Contraditions, I think thats along the same lines as conflict, everyone contradicts themselves, again we are human we can't help ourselves. We just need to treat our children with respect and try to befriend them not just teach and cram them with facts. Give them a chance to show you what they can do, don't look at the test scores, GPA or grade book and look at them an intellegent child ready to learn and confide and see what happens.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

2 interesting topics

The first topic that I choose is the Cherokee Phoenix--I choose this topic because it was really neat to read about how the Native Americans really took a stand for themselves and tried to fight for what they believe in. The outcome of their work published a newspaper in 1828 that is still current today and that is really neat. I liked the fact that one of these resources actually allows you to read the Cherokee Phoenix and see what its all about. The other resource that I choose was really interesting to find out just how long this actuall paper has been published and what they went through to get this paper published and to keep their language current 1.

The second topic that I choose was the Committee of Ten. I wanted to find out a little more information on this committee. Like 'what they did, how were they choosen, when did it become apparent that there was a need for educational standardization? Who recommended this committtee? What did the committee do, what did it establish?' The two resources I used:
2. (search Committee of Ten)
I choose the second resource because it allows you to actually see an old copy of the Committee of Ten book. It is an actual copy and it explains; who was on the committee, the conferences, the questions for the conferences, the composition of the conferences,and the members that were on the actual committee, its a really interesting site.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My letter

I am Trista Robinson from a little town in North Carolina. I am a student at UNCP working towards a Bachelors Degree in teaching, and I hope to impress positive futures in millions of students including my own two children.
My opinion on testing is a little different. The book that my class is studying is Teachers, Schools and Society by David Miller Sadker, Myra Pollack Sadker, and Karen R. Zittleman. My book stated, "Results of state and national tests, from the state subject matter tests needed for graduation to the SATs, influence what is taught in schools." I feel testing is relevant but a little overrated. I don't feel we should base a child's 12 years of school on some standardized test. According to the website, " " "At grade 3 they take their 1st pretest within the 1st 3 weeks of school." Now I do agree and feel this is a great way to see were these students stand. I feel grades 3-8 should be setting these students up for high school and high school should be setting these students up for college as well as life in general. I don't agree with allowing these test to influence what we as teachers teach, why should these test influence what we teach our children? I feel once they get to high school they should be offered subjects that can help them be successful in life and college.
I feel schools should offer courses to teach children what to say during an interview. Teach these children how to focus on their positives and how to do so without getting so nervous they throw away a perfect opportunity. We could teach these children how to dress, how to present themselves, how to talk and what to talk about with the person authorizing the interview. Also, I think we couild offer classes that teach children how to manage bills, balance check books and other finances. I know we offer business law classes but they don't really teach what we need. I took a business law class and i couln't tell you what it was about if I tried. Maybe if we teach these kids how hard it is to pay bills , buy clothes, pay car payments and familiarize them with these things they wouldn't be so eager to move out and have kids. I feel these kids need to know more than 'r+s=q' or what's the square root of 45. I personally don't see how problems like this will help set our children up for sucess, it didn't help me in my future after high school. I couldn't tell you 1 time I had to actually use things like that.
My book also stated,"Students around the nation study from the same books, do the same excersises and are expected to master the same material." If students around the nation are practicing the same studies we could offer a SAT class thats mandatory for them to take, like an elective. Instead of spending 12 years of their little lives going over material that will more likely not be needed throughout life. I also feel like we should promote more religion than we do. If we can spend a whole month on African American history why can't we set aside a month on God? What more important for our kids to be researching?
Personally I would have liked to been able to learn things like; What do I say during an interview, How do I make one paycheck last, or why do I need college? I feel that if we could make a Bible class to help children understand we could make an improvement in our nations schools. Isn't that what we want? Test scores are dropping, children are having children and religion is taken out of schools. What are we missing? I feel if we could offer some classes that teach these kids how tough and expensive life is, hopefully, they will focus more on EOG scores and college instead of getting married, moving out and working at Hardee's. I feel like courses like mechanics, welding and drafting are "goof off" classes. If students plan to choose one or theother for a profession then thats what they should take in college. We could repalce courses like these with some of the courses I have mentioned.
In conclusion, i attened a public school here in North Carolina and I really wish I would have had some of the courses i mentioned offered to me. When i was in high school all I wanted to do was get my own place, pay my own bills, and live with my boyfriend and thats exactly what I did. Now I'm married with 2 children, living pay check to pay check and gtrying to finish college and work. After I had my children i went back to college in order to set a positive example and provide better for them.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"You lucky you part my people because I don't fight my people." This was a comment from student to another in a class that I was substituting in. Tow of my students had a brief misunderstanding during class changes and this was how they resolved it. Now I was probably the only person besides the 4 or 5 that were standing around that heard this comment, but it bothered me. We are all people no matter what the race. As a teacher I knew that it was my place to let them children know that the statement bothered me. It wasn't a word it was a statement and the statement insulted both races. We have got to respect and care about one another. I believe that its the comments which promote racism and I feel they are better left unsaid.
How did I respond? After class I went to both children that were involved in the conflict. To the individuals I said,"Are you guys family, are you related?" their response, "No why?" I looked at the both of them and asked them to sit down. I told them that the comment they stated really hurt me. "My people," I told them, "I was really hoping that you guys were related so that I would know that you didn't mean that in a racial way." I told them that all people were the same and no certain "people" belonged to no particular race. I told them that the only 2 individuals that had the right ot even say "My people" were God and the president of the United States. "You guys are only in the 7th grade, you are making choices for your future. Lets get along, its a cruel world and lets don't add to it."
Would I have responded differently? No I don't feel I would have acted differently in any situation. I greatly dislike racism. We are all one, 'United States.' We don't need to allow or promote racial comments especially when its our children. The really don't think about their comments hurting one another the say the things that they hear said at home or elsewhere.

A situation I would be uncomfortable with...
I would probably be very uncomfortable if I had a family who didn't believe in the Lord. This would probably be one of he only situations that would be really hard for me. What would I do? Probably nothing different. I would have to have a one-on-one parent/teacher conference I would tell them that I would work with them in any way possible. I would treat them differently by no means. Discussing our differences on our religious views would be one of the main topics of our discussion. Letting them know that their child wouldn't be treated any differently because of their beliefs would be another main discussion topic. My responsiblitis as a teacher is to make sure that my student is comfortable and treated fairly in my classroom and by their classmates. Another responsiblilty of mine as a teacher and a Christian is to make sure that no judgement is placed upon this child by any individual and to just pray for his family instead of trying to pressure himher. I would have to be really careful as to what movies I allowed this child to watch, I would have to be careful in what I say and what I do. Most importantly I would tell the child that he/she could come to me regardless of the situation and talk about anything. Maybe my actions would influence the child and his family to have some interest in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Module 4

In elementary school I can remember trying to make friends or trying to understand some of the things that my classmates were going through. Elementary school is tough because its when you find out that everyone isn't just like you, everyone didn't have clean clothes, everyone don't have mother and father at home. I can see were the survey would fit in elementary school. Acceptance, diversities, adjusting...I went to a public school in Bladen County, now you tell me!! No I don't think that it had much to offer.The teachers may be nice and yes they do love the students but they just don't have to much to offer. I feel that my lack in math falls slightly at the feet of my elementary teachers-one in particular- If you don't catch on; put them in a special class- this is their theory. Not try teaching it a different way or spending just a little extra time with the student who's a little behind. How has it affected me? My math is good now because I went that extra mile to get caught up. I studied hard and I didn't let my old school teachers affect me. But yeah I was always a little slower in math because they simply don't want to take the time with you. "Either you det it or you don't, but you better have that homework or no recess." Thats why I'm seriously going to look into some different schools for my children.

I don't have any personal knowledge of the various types of schools personally. I have heard of charter shcools and I plan to check into some different schools for my children besides public school. My nephew attend a private christian acadamy for 2 years. The staff was really nice and good with the children. I felt that as far as teaching the children that they could have focused on more curriculum than just Biblical studies. After taking him out of the school and enrolling him into the public school system we can see that my nephew lacks some things. He is behind with his reading and math. Well I wouldn't say behind, he's just not familiar with the things that his new classmates are working on, and that really places some discouragement on him. As far as reading, he has improved some but he is still not on the level he should be on. For me, I wouldn't send either of my children to this school. The staff stresses the Bible, and this is good, but children of that age should be working on things that the other children their age are working on. My opinion on different types of schools is; Every child is different, some children may do good in a public school wereas some children may do better in a charter school. Same as home-schooling, magnet schools, so on and so forth, it depends on the child. I feel that if a child isn't doing well in thier studies maybe something else should be done, even if it does involve looking into some different types of schools.

When I become a teacher I am going to do my best to see that no child is left behind. I really liked the method that the teachers from the KIPP schools used. I would like to envolve some energtic activities to enhance learning, like the chanting from the videos. I would also like to try and teach a difficult subject in some different ways because as I stated before everyone learns different and some may catch on to different ways of the information given.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Blog!!

When I taught my little girl to use the potty really stands out because it was a challenge! I made a sticker chart and every time she would go potty I would let her pick out a sticker and put it on her chart. I also found myself really trying to push it on her and that was holding her back a little because she felt pressured. I was being over assertive and it wasn't working. So I had to change the way I was going about things and let her do it in her own way. After I backed off she hopped right on and stuck with it. In relation to teaching: I had to get myself corrected and try another strategy and it worked. When a child figures out your trying to help them by changing yourself and your strategy they seem to catch on. When you push things own a child it tends to intimidate them a little and they can refrain themselves. In the end she ended up learning how to potty and she did a big majority of learning it own her own and it was bigger to her. And I learned something as well not to be over assertive.

School can help in alot of postive ways with a child's personal growth. Without school a child would never know how to act around other individuals. School teaches a child the basics that gets them through life. The child's peers has alot to do with it as well, acceptance. When a child gets a sense of acceptance then they can fit in and fitting in can really reflect on a child. Another positive reflect is teaching a child how to deal with everyday mishaps. If they can learn to cope with what life has to throw at them as well as learn their subjects they will be a little prepared. But who is fully prepared for what life has to throw at them? The negatives: A child not fitting in and not having any positive peers can play a huge downfall on a child's personnal growth. I feel like if the child is not accepted at school more than likely they will endure that feeling of not fitting in anywhere. This can follow just about anyone. Also if a child feels like they are not catching on and nothing is working for them they can withdrawal themselves and hermit themsleves. This is not healthy for anyone much less a growing child.

Children learn by strategies offered my their teacher, mothers and guardians. If a child gets help at home from both parents more than likely the child will show up most interest in school and keep their grades up. A child also learns in their own way like stated in the chapter. Everyone has their own way of learning things. A child can learn from repition, note cards, what the teacher lectures on, reading their books or what ever it takes.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why do I want to be a teacher?

The reason I want to be a teacher is simple, there is nothing more rewarding them to see the sparkle in a child's eye when they catch onto something new. Children are so special in so many ways, to be able to give them a future is a challenge worth working towards. Each child is unique and I can't wait to be able to work with each and every one and help them reach their limits.
I think I would have to say the worst teacher that I ever had was a college instructor. The poor guy was just kind of stuck teaching the course and he was lost. My first day of class he walked in and told the whole class that he was not supposed to be teaching this course that his major was in Math and the course that we were in was Anatomy. He told us that he didn't know what to do, or what to tell us to do. Every class from then on consisted of him writing lecture notes, he did not turn and look at us he just wrote until the class was dismissed. He could not help us with our questions because he did not know how, and he didn't offer any help or extra credit. The fact that he came into the class with a negative and discouraging attitude are the characteristics that made him the worst teacher that I have ever had. He was lost and the way he handled himself discouraged us all and set us up for failure. That ended up being the only class that I have ever failed and I had to retake it just to bring my GPA back to normal. The fact the he was lost played a small part, his attitude and lack of encouragement topped the cake, so to say.
The best teacher that I have ever had is also a college instructor this guy actually cared and showed interest in every student. The more he taught the more interested I got, and how interesting is Anatomy! He would get so worked up when he taught, you could just tell that he loved his job. To help us catch on he would give us hands on projects before our test to help us remember. I was having such a hard time trying to get registered one semester, everyone was just really rude to me and I just felt overwhelmed. He overheard me telling one of my classmates about the problems that I was having. When it was time to dismiss he asked me to stay after class, and this class got out at 9:45 pm, to help me register. He was not my advisor he was just a concerned instructor that had overheard a conversation and wanted to help; it meant so much to me. After he got me squared away with my classes he took a look at my grades and told me that he was proud of me that I had worked really had and it showed. The fact that he helped me on his own and showed interest in my grades and studies really inspired me. I completly Aced his class and it felt good because that is a tough class. He drove an hour each day to work and he loved to do it. He made me feel good about myself which made me feel comfortable with the course. His positive attitude and willingness to help were the characteristics that made him the best teacher that I have ever had.