Friday, February 6, 2009

Module 4

In elementary school I can remember trying to make friends or trying to understand some of the things that my classmates were going through. Elementary school is tough because its when you find out that everyone isn't just like you, everyone didn't have clean clothes, everyone don't have mother and father at home. I can see were the survey would fit in elementary school. Acceptance, diversities, adjusting...I went to a public school in Bladen County, now you tell me!! No I don't think that it had much to offer.The teachers may be nice and yes they do love the students but they just don't have to much to offer. I feel that my lack in math falls slightly at the feet of my elementary teachers-one in particular- If you don't catch on; put them in a special class- this is their theory. Not try teaching it a different way or spending just a little extra time with the student who's a little behind. How has it affected me? My math is good now because I went that extra mile to get caught up. I studied hard and I didn't let my old school teachers affect me. But yeah I was always a little slower in math because they simply don't want to take the time with you. "Either you det it or you don't, but you better have that homework or no recess." Thats why I'm seriously going to look into some different schools for my children.

I don't have any personal knowledge of the various types of schools personally. I have heard of charter shcools and I plan to check into some different schools for my children besides public school. My nephew attend a private christian acadamy for 2 years. The staff was really nice and good with the children. I felt that as far as teaching the children that they could have focused on more curriculum than just Biblical studies. After taking him out of the school and enrolling him into the public school system we can see that my nephew lacks some things. He is behind with his reading and math. Well I wouldn't say behind, he's just not familiar with the things that his new classmates are working on, and that really places some discouragement on him. As far as reading, he has improved some but he is still not on the level he should be on. For me, I wouldn't send either of my children to this school. The staff stresses the Bible, and this is good, but children of that age should be working on things that the other children their age are working on. My opinion on different types of schools is; Every child is different, some children may do good in a public school wereas some children may do better in a charter school. Same as home-schooling, magnet schools, so on and so forth, it depends on the child. I feel that if a child isn't doing well in thier studies maybe something else should be done, even if it does involve looking into some different types of schools.

When I become a teacher I am going to do my best to see that no child is left behind. I really liked the method that the teachers from the KIPP schools used. I would like to envolve some energtic activities to enhance learning, like the chanting from the videos. I would also like to try and teach a difficult subject in some different ways because as I stated before everyone learns different and some may catch on to different ways of the information given.

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