Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Blog!!

When I taught my little girl to use the potty really stands out because it was a challenge! I made a sticker chart and every time she would go potty I would let her pick out a sticker and put it on her chart. I also found myself really trying to push it on her and that was holding her back a little because she felt pressured. I was being over assertive and it wasn't working. So I had to change the way I was going about things and let her do it in her own way. After I backed off she hopped right on and stuck with it. In relation to teaching: I had to get myself corrected and try another strategy and it worked. When a child figures out your trying to help them by changing yourself and your strategy they seem to catch on. When you push things own a child it tends to intimidate them a little and they can refrain themselves. In the end she ended up learning how to potty and she did a big majority of learning it own her own and it was bigger to her. And I learned something as well not to be over assertive.

School can help in alot of postive ways with a child's personal growth. Without school a child would never know how to act around other individuals. School teaches a child the basics that gets them through life. The child's peers has alot to do with it as well, acceptance. When a child gets a sense of acceptance then they can fit in and fitting in can really reflect on a child. Another positive reflect is teaching a child how to deal with everyday mishaps. If they can learn to cope with what life has to throw at them as well as learn their subjects they will be a little prepared. But who is fully prepared for what life has to throw at them? The negatives: A child not fitting in and not having any positive peers can play a huge downfall on a child's personnal growth. I feel like if the child is not accepted at school more than likely they will endure that feeling of not fitting in anywhere. This can follow just about anyone. Also if a child feels like they are not catching on and nothing is working for them they can withdrawal themselves and hermit themsleves. This is not healthy for anyone much less a growing child.

Children learn by strategies offered my their teacher, mothers and guardians. If a child gets help at home from both parents more than likely the child will show up most interest in school and keep their grades up. A child also learns in their own way like stated in the chapter. Everyone has their own way of learning things. A child can learn from repition, note cards, what the teacher lectures on, reading their books or what ever it takes.

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